
Fostering Global Citizenship

毎日英語に触れるイングリッシュタイム Everyday English Exposure


At Veritas Kindergarten all of the students get to enjoy English Time! Whether it’s singing in English, activities, games, or arts and crafts, the students get the chance everyday to learn in a natural English speaking environment. 

Veritas World Class


From space, the earth is small and has no national borders. There are many things happening on earth, but I hope we can overcome them through mutual understanding and cooperate with each other to create a peaceful world.


This is a message sent by astronaut Yui Kimiya from the International Space Station.


In recent years, our society has become more and more borderless, especially in the fields of culture and information. Therefore, coexistence with people from different cultures has become indispensable. In such a society, the five “strengths” mentioned in the educational policy of Veritas are essential.


Cultivate a pure heart that loves oneself, one’s family, one’s friends, and all other people. 


Cultivate pride for your country and the English language skills to explain your culture to people from around the world.


Cultivate a strong body and mind that is able to withstand any challenge.


Cultivate the communication skills to listen to people and the knowledge to understand others.


Cultivate a spirit of social responsibility and the confidence to put it into practice.


Veritas World Class aims to nurture children who can lead the construction of a multicultural society in the future.

対象 年中および年長の希望者/定員20名程度



After the students have had lunch, they get ready for World Class which starts:
12:40 – 13:50 (Mon – Thu) ・ 12:30 -13:40 (Fri).

1. Afternoon Work


This consists of simple math & handwriting worksheets as well as review worksheets based on the previous lesson’s study. Afternoon work helps turn their focus towards learning.

2. Circle Time15分


This is where the class gathers to start learning together. We go over the daily weather, calendar, share stories, review the current geographical topic, and prepare the students for the main lesson.

3.English Lesson15分


Based on the curriculum’s monthly theme, we teach the students a variety of lessons related to the theme. 

4.Group Work30分


Study the monthly theme.


5.Reflection of the Day5分


Reflect on what was studied during the main lesson.

Native English Teachers

アルブライト・ボウ – Beau Albright
アメリカ合衆国出身 – USA
カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校 日本研究科 卒業 – UC San Diego graduate
早稲田大学 国際教養学部 留学 – Studied abroad at Waseda University
アメリカ合衆国 カリフォルニア州 代用教員免許 – CA Substitute Teaching License


We also invite special guest teachers based on the curriculum’s monthly theme.